Reminds me of a Family Guy gag.
Pretty good for a first Flash. It gets the ideas of layout and scene progression well enough. It's a good gag, too, but it reminds me of a less macabre version involving hookers on Family Guy. When Peter counts the hookers in Cleveland's house.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven!"
"Seven! Seven hookers!"
"That does it! Peter, you and five of those hookers get OUT OF MY HOUSE!"
I do feel, though, that a lot of it could have been more refined. The Count really stands out against the photographic pixelated background, but not in a good way. It gives it a very unpolished look, and I think that if the style between background and foreground were more consistent, it would give this Flash a more solid delivery.
Some of the voice acting isn't registering. Maybe a take two would be needed on the recording, and a more projected voice.
That's about all, though. As far as early Flashes go, this one's pretty well done. Not so much aesthetically in my opinion, but definitely with that distinct "new animator" smell.
Final Grade: B.