Final Grade: B
Graphics: Backgrounds were a little noisy, making it difficult to see where the ball was. Paddle graphics were nice, though, and the opening interface was also well done. On top of that, much thanks for putting in a high frame rate. I hate it when people make Pong, but neglect to turn it up from 12 FPS. However, that aside, I feel that there wasn't enough "oomph" in the graphics. The ball falls behind, and it's a rather unfanciful affair. It hits a paddle, and it just bounces off without any satisfying fanfare. It seems to promise a substantial amount of glitz and glamor from the opening screen, but that's unfortunately where the really great looking bits end, and the less satisfying "on par" graphics begin.
Style: The pong thing is a bit dated, and has been done a lot. I feel that single player works well but doesn't introduce anything that new. However, the style gets bonus points for including a variety of gameplay modes, all of which really nice.
Hmm...I wonder. Didn't somebody make something that was recently on the front page, described as being "Pong on Steroids?" ;) *wink*
Sound: And what you probably just heard was the sound of a brick being thrown through my speaker. That music. That horrible, horrible annoying music! Well, I think that with a game as large as this, you could have given it the extra 500k by increasing the sound quality of the music, because even if it was Highway Star by Deep Purple, I wouldn't listen to something as metallic and grainy as that. Other sounds work well, though.
Violence: Yeah. When somebody makes a pong game that scores a 10 on violence, I will show you a man who probably needs a hefty dosage of therapy. Or a parent who at least loves them. Or a female's touch. They may take their pick.
Interactivity: There were a couple bugs while playing. Sometimes, when the ball was shrunk and it started going fast, it would get caught in a loop that would, hate to say it, make a really big "d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dWOOMWOOMWOOMWOOM"!!!! Again. Mr. Brick meet Mr. Speakers. I like the scripting on some of the powerups, especially the one that makes the ball blue and droopy. Ah yes. Couldn't finish this review without a reference to droopy blue balls.
Humor: Which brings us to the last category. Well, can't say that humor is what's driving it, but I can't say it's lacking neither. The interface that seems to mock/parody the overenthusiastic tones of the newest generation of Arcade Fighting Games is nice. I remember when such a gimmick was done in K-Fed: Walking on Fire. Oh man. That was gold there. So for at least picking up and giving a proper execution of such phenomenon, I give humor a decent score, but it's a generous one.
Overall: It's still pong, which is still always a good way to go especially if your intention is to rev it up. A lot of people try, and this one's at least getting places instead of the usual "WTF THIS IS 12 FPS U R3TRD!" response that I usually give. Er-I mean...that THEY usually give. So, I give this one my blessing, as this one at least keeps up with the new trend of brining a new approach to Pong.
Final Grade: B